But first, remember how my "nook" looked before:

Looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. Keep in mind that I spent under $24 to create this little space.
That said, I felt like it still needed a little somthin' somethin'.
So, I decided to put letters inside the frames. I wanted them to look super old and weathered and I knew this candle wax technique would be perfect. I decided on the letters "e", "t" and "c"...an omage to my longwindedness, which I'm sure you've all realized by now.
I started by giving the letters a base coat of blue paint. Note that I used tole paint for this project. Generally I would use spray paint, especially for a bigger project, but since I didn't have the exact colors I wanted on hand (and becuase I was too lazy to run to the store)I used tole paint instead.
After the letters were dry to the touch, I scuffed them up using a little votive candle I had on hand (spiced cider scent optional :)) The wax is going to prevent the second coat of paint from adhereing to the letters, so bare that in mind as you are waxing up your project. If you do happen to get wax where you don't want it, you can wipe it off with a dry rag. In my opinion the more haphazard you are, the better it will turn out, so don't worry too much.
Next comes the top coat of paint. If you choose to brush paint rather than spray you need to be extra careful not to brush off all of the wax. I tend to prefer spray painting for this exact reason.
Once the top coat has thoroughly dried, wipe away all of the wax using a dry rag.
The base coat color with start showing through and reveal an awesome worn and weathered look of peeling paint.
I love how rustic they turned out.
And they seem to like their new home too.

I've actually used this technique on several larger projects.
My newly pimped out frame. You can go here for the how to.

And my bedroom dresser

I hope you try this technique out. It is super easy and the end result is always stunning and eye catching. Let me know how your projects turn out. Better yet, send me a pic or link to your blog. Good luck.
This is a great idea. I'm gonna have to think of how I might use this.