I know, by experience, that thick, lucious frames can cost as pretty penny. But, I have figured out a way to create your own chunk-a-licious frames for a fraction of the cost. All you need is an existing frame and some moulding.
Let the chunkifying begin.
Begin by removing the mirror or picture and glass from the frame and set them aside.
Next, measure all four sides of the frame making note of all the measurements.

These measurements will be used for cutting the moulding to size. I like to mark the board with the measurements and then compare them to the frame just to make sure everything looks right.

Now it's time to get the hubby to cut the moulding, or time to get your Bob Villa on and do it yourself. Just a reminder, the pieces will have a miter cut on either end rather than a regular straight cut. Mitered simply means cut at a 45 degree angle and looks like this.

I had never actually touched a miter saw prior to this project and cut all of the pieces myself. Using the saw is not that difficult. However, mitering all of the edges can get a little tricky. If you're measurements are not accurate the miters will not meet up properly. My suggestion is to cut your pieces one at a time and dry fit them to the frame before moving on to the next piece.
Here's what it should look like when it's done. Please note that although mitering can be a little tricky, it really isn't that difficult if you just take your time (which you probably wanna do anyway when working with a freaky, scary saw). And also bare in mind that it doesn't need to be perfect. In fact, the imperfections are what add character to the frame.

Once you have your pieces dry fitted you can begin gluing them to the existing frame. I used Gorilla brand wood glue. I don't know about you, but a big gorilla on the bottle seems like the strongest, dontcha think? I used clamps to hold the pieces together tightly. I also used a staple gun to stabilize the frame further. If you don't want the staples seen you can staple on the backside of the frame. Or, you can do what I did and staple the frontside. In my opnion the staples add a cool, rustic feel to the frame.

After the frame has had ample amount of time to cure...approximately 24 hours, you can paint it.

Be sure to place it in a prominent place in your house so that you and others can admire it in all it's chunkified glory for years to come.
Here are some before and afters of the frame I did.


Uh-hum, yes those are Halloween decorations you see. Don't hate!
Mmmmmm. Chunk-a-licious.

Good luck on pimpin' your frame. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or contact me at brendleca@yahoo.com.
I'd love to see some before and after's of your pimped out frames, so please share.
Hey there! I love the frame re-do and was wondering how you got that cool effect behind the mirror with the green print?
Hey Taylor. I removed the reflective part of the mirror using oven cleaner and steel wool, then spray adhesived fabric to the back of it. It required a lot of elbow grease, but I am happy with the outcome. If you have any more questions or need me to be more specific you can contact me again.