Since school let out and all the chicklets are home, my regular routine has gone out the window {today, the kiddies and I didn't even get out of bed til 10:00, and number five is still running around in a diaper. I have no defense, we are totally white trashin' it today}.
I haven't had a lot of time to attend to "my projects". Instead they have been temporarily replaced with the kids' projects and outings {today we made homemade Shrinky Dinks, whilst intermitantly jumping on a soggy, soap laden trampoline.} I know, I totally sound like an awesome mom. But as we all know, a heaping dose of sun and physical exertion means an early evening all to myself tonight, thanks to a little trick I call heat exhaustion.
While things may have slowed down a little in the hands on project department, I always make time to research and gather ideas. I am always looking for design inspiration and I thought I'd share a few.
1. Coffered Ceilings- I have been buggin', err beggin', Studly to put up coffers in the house for over a year now. I break out into hot sweats every time I see them.

2. Board and Batten Anything- I am totally obsessed with board and batten. We just put some up in the entryway and down the hall. It is such an inexpensive investment, and the results are anything but cheap looking.
This board and batten headboard is gorgeous. I am amazed at what a little molding can do to a space.
I never used to be a fan of all white walls, but as my love for b&b has grown, so has my affection for a crisp, clean white wall. This room looks absolutely serene.

The Lettered Cottage is my go to whenever I need inspiration or ideas. This mantle is absolutely gorgeous...again, with a hint of b&b. I may have found another inspiration picture for my mantle-less family room.
3. Wood plank walls- this is another design element I would love to work into the decor somehow. I'm thinking about trying it in the nursery and/or girls' bedroom.

I love the little ledges created by the molding. {source: Pottery Barn Summer 2011 magazine}

Um, does this mean that you are taking the summer off? I'm sort of having withdrawals...
ReplyDeletei love the pictures so beautiful xxx