I have big plans this year, but I'm in a new neighborhood and want to maintain as normal a reputation as I can for as long as I can...so I'm sitting on pins and needles 'til September first, then I'mo let the freak out.
Oh, and did I mention that I'm learning the dance moves to Thriller. Umm, ya. The fam and I will be dressing up like Zombies Halloween Eve and shakin' what our mama's gave us all night long. BTW, I'm holding auditions for any and all who want to join me...uh-hum Michele, Kendyl, Weston, Megan, Andi, Rachel, all of the fam from the south and friends from the north.
Can you imagine the poor little kiddies walking up to the door (cue creepy fog). And all of the sudden M.J. starts rockin it out. Then, from the left, and from the right...Zombies. Everywhere. Then we all start bustin' out with the Thriller dance. It's gonna be FAH-"REAKY"-TASTIC. I swear I need a valium everytime I think about it.
Phew. So, anyway. I love the fall. When I start to feel that little nip in the air I know it's a comin'. There have been a few brisk evenings recently and I'm on the countdown. This is how I start getting ready for my favorite time of year.
1. Setting up the Haunted Village. (I love Nightmare Before Christmas and when I stumbled across these cool lanterns and figures it totally reminded of it.)

I love how freaked out the devil looks. Hmmm, I wonder if we'll get any similar reactions this Halloween when the neighborhood kiddos walk into Thrillerland.
2. Trading out all of the pictures around the house with photos of my little
goblins from Halloween's past.
Aren't they the cutest?

3. Framing the front door...with hay stalks that is.

4. Getting out the Halloween Countdown Calendar.

5. Filling the Apothecary Jars with festiveness (word?) (it's hard to see, but the little ping pong ball dealies have "trick", "or" and "treat" all over them. I'm toying with the idea of making some using ping pong balls and chalkboard paint...just because. I also want to try and recreate an inexpensive version of the little swizzle sticky dealies in the back...sounds like a possible future tutorial).

6. Freeing the cheesecloth Ghosts. I didn't come up with idea myself...found it somewhere on the "net". I have had a lot of people ask me to help them make some. (Sounds like another possible future tutorial).

7. Making chocolate covered caramel apples with the kiddies. (Look for the recipe on the sidebar. You're welcome!) Mine never look as good as this pic (stock photo) but they are scrumdiddlyumptuous anyway.

8. Getting my craft on. I don't know why, but Fall sparks this desire to create. Perhaps it's the impending hibernation.
9. Hanging up the "All Hallow's Eve" banner to welcome the impending Holiday.

10- Burning the oil...the pumpkin spice scented oil that is, courtesy of Bath and Body Works. This ritual usually lasts September 1- Day after Thanksgiving...then it's the spiced cider scented oil, also courtesy of Bath and Body Works.

I love it, I am putting out my fall stuff and getting my fall scents, like spiced pumpkin and autumn wreath(yankee) set out. =)