Welcome to my new bloggy.
This here blog is set up primarily to document the bountiful projects I throw myself into and consequently the hell I put my family through.
In fact, just today, Avery told me that she wished the D.I. would die. She even went so far as to compose a little ditty about it and proceeded to sing it in my ear whilst I recovered a seat cushion. Poor thing. She hasn't yet learned that I mastered the art of selective listening long ago.
She continued on with her song, and I completed the recovering of two fabulous seat cushions...which I'm about to show you.
But first. If you haven't gathered already, I am a teensy bit obssessed with the D.I. and other thrifty establishments. There is something so rewarding about finding a hidden treasure (aka. someone elses refuse) and turning it into something new and beautiful. I love the idea of recycling and giving something old and unwanted new life. The best part is, that is costs next to nothin' to do it.
Here are a few projects that I've been up to. This is my most recent venture...a new table and chairs. In my mind I had imagined them taking up residence in the kitchen. They would look ever so lovely there. However, the hubby has not yet embraced this passion of mine, so I've come up with a backup plan...the deck outside. I know, not very conventional, but then again, I've never really been one for practicality. It's win-win the way I see it.
Here are my most recent loves, my new...old, table and chairs. When I have all the other chairs painted and recovered I'll take another picture...a proper picture of the table surrounded by it's bright and beautiful chairs.
Sorry for the dreadfully disgusting gargage. Please try to look past it and feast upon the beauty that is my new table.
If it were possible to marry an inanimate object I'd marry this chair.
I've never been a supporter of polygamy, but I might would have to marry this chair too.
The best part is, that the table and six chairs cost me a mere $55. I'll end up spending about $40 in paint, and the fabulous zebra print fabric are panels I already had. So, a new table and chairs for under $100. How fah-reakin' fantastic is that. I can't wait to get it all finished and reveal the completed project.
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