Even on crazy days, though, I try to fit in some kind of project whether it be organizing the silverware drawer or changing out some throw pillows. It just helps me feel like I'm still in control and allows me a little creative outlet for the day...sometimes it's all about the small things, ya know.
Today I've already primed an old picture frame for some turqoise paint and I'm feeling like I still have it together. Granted it's only 11:00a.m. so there's plenty of time for things to still fall apart.
BUT..I also squoze in a little curtain rod revamp in the girls room.
Some of you may remember my mantle/swag made of willow sticks that I gathered from my backyard. As I was dismantling the mantle I was sick at the thought of tossing all of the perfectly useful sticks and then the light bulb went off. I could use them as a curtain rod in the girlie's bedroom. The white rod I was currently using just seemed to get lost on the pink wall. It was the perfect fix...quick and cheap, just the way I like it.
I used two willow sticks that were about the same length and attatched them together using twine.
I don't know about you, but I love willow sticks. I have them all over my house. There's just something about their whispy, curly branches. I love them even more now that I have tree in my backyard and they are free.
I actually left the rod holders up and used them to support the branches. Here's the end result. Not to shabby for a ten minute job. I really like the pop of color and texture.
And, in other news, I am still working on the {British Invasion} Bedroom. It's a little slow going, but hopefully it won't be too much longer. I forget that I had this little gem when I posted about the room earlier.
I found this wall decal awhile ago at Target for $3 and completely forgot I had it. I am trying to come up with a new way to utilize it. I don't want to just stick it on the wall. I would love suggestions if you have any.
Stay tuned. I have some awesome projects planned if the kids will let me alone long enough to get to them.
I love the new curtain rod. Very creative. Another project I might need to copy! ;)